Want to save a little money while still keeping your gymnast looking cute? Here is how to make a gymnastics leotard at home!
Supplies needed:
1. Stretchy fabric
2. Scissors or a rotary cutter
3. pins and pin cushion
4. your pattern
5. sewing machine
6. thread to match fabric
7. seam ripper(optional but recommended)
8. washers(optional but recommended)
9. cutting mat if you are using rotary cutter
First, it is recommended that you always trace your patterns out on freezer paper because as the kid grows you will need a different size and this way you will not have to spend another $20 on patterns.
Next, lay patterns on top of fabrics.

Keep colors of the thread as close as possible to the fabric colors.
Lay washers on top of pattern when cutting fabric patterns because it holds them in place.
Lay out all pieces after cutting to make sure they fit together correctly.

Sew pieces together inside out using a straight stitch then a zig zag to imitate a somewhat serge.

Congrats! You just made your own gymnastics leotard!